Tour Divided: When did gravel get so mean?

There’s plenty of good gravel news to report. Gravel cycling’s popularity is booming. Events are growing and multiplying. Well-positioned cities—like a Lincoln, a Lawrence, a Little Rock—can now, if they play their cards right, host full seasons of gravel events with triple-digit fields. It’s to the point where even back-roads blogs like this one can … More Tour Divided: When did gravel get so mean?

Gravel and the Magic Pickle: Why do cyclists swear by this swill?

  I’ll go ahead and risk the Jeff Foxworthy comparisons and frame it like this: If you’ve ever thanked the Lord Almighty for the blessing of a putrid, warm, yellow-green mouthful of pickle vinegar … you might be a gravel cyclist. Gravel cycling’s grossest leg cramp remedy is so engrained in my long-ride routine by … More Gravel and the Magic Pickle: Why do cyclists swear by this swill?